Sunday, December 7, 2008

Everyones A Critic

I believe everyone that gave their presentations last week did a great job. I was very impressed with how well knowledged some people were on their topics. Leah and Joey, I thought, had great information and presented good as well, although Joey never did really look up. I was also impressed with Josh's power point. It was well organized and it provided nice visuals. The other presentations were good as well. I learned new stuff and my opinion swayed a little bit after hearing people tell their side. I know I was against animal testing originally, but my opinion changed after hearing Joey talk. A lot of people don't realize that we have to test animals to protect ourselves. It really put that topic in prespective for me.

Oral Presentations

Going into the oral presentations, I was certainly very nervous. I haven't spoke, by myself, in front of the class in a long time. Public speaking makes most people nervous, especially me. I was worried that my point would not clearly come across, and that I would forget what to say. When I actually got up in front of everyone, it really wasn't as bad as I expected. I thought my flow was pretty good and I made my points clear. Im not sure how I was on time, but I believe I was close. I know a clear mistake I made was saying "um" and "ugh" a lot. I tried to not do it, but it is a habit. In the end, I'm glad I got through my presentation with no problems. I am joyed that I got it out of the way when I did; and I am looking forward to Wednesday's presentations.

Monday, December 1, 2008

My Experience

The W131 English Class has defineitly been my favorite college class of the semester. It is the only class that allows me to be creative and express myself. I have progressed a lot throughout the semester. At first, I didn't talk much or particpate in class. Now, I feel like I am more comfortable with my surroundings. The class has changed a lot as well. Several people didn't make it through the semester but I guess that happens in just about every class. Everyone in the class had their own creative thinking, which made the class very interesting. I enjoyed meeting some new people in class, and even made a few new friends. There are still some people in their that I could care less for, but I will not give any names. Overall, 131 was a great experience for me that opened my eyes to a new creative relm. I enjoyed the company of most of the people and thought it was a wonderful class. What a damn shame that it has to end though!!!!