Tuesday, November 18, 2008

What I learned Hmmmm

Throughout our debates, my opinions swayed a little bit. I think our class did an excellent job of challenging one another. We all presented worthy arguements and main points. Going in to the debates, I was 100% against prostitution. After researching it and learning about it, I wasn't as hard on the idea. It opened my eyes and made me think "Why couldn't it be legal?" I'm not saying I am a 100% supporter now, but the debates did shine a little light on the topic for me. I'm not totally opossed to it like I once was. I learned from my classmates that debates are all about creativity and cleverness. Everyone already knows the big main arguements, but if you can present them a fresh and new arguement that really backs up your opinion, they will be impressed. I really enjoyed watching the first debate. The groups went back and fourth incredibly. Both groups did an excellent job and had well prepared information. I am glad we did the debates because it was a fun yet challenging task that let us use our creativity and cleverness.

1 comment:

Ms. Brown said...

Cleverness and creativity certainly go a long way in persuasion, whether it's in a debate or in a paper. I'm glad you also noticed that the foundation of information had to be there as well. I agree: the debates were fun!