Monday, November 10, 2008


  1. Going against the morals of many, I belieNumbered Listve prostitution should be legalized. Many hear the word prostitution and don't even consider its pros, they already label it a negative without giving it a chance. Prostitution can bring several positives. It provides jobs, can be taxed, provides a service to those who want it, and can make some people feel better about themselves. Some would tend to say that it goes against the Bible, but i argue that not everyone is Christian. Everyone has different views and their own opinions. Also, sex is not an illegal act, but is supposed to be an enjoyable act that two people consent upon. If two people consent to terms, such as payment, then why can't they legally have sex? If controlled by the government, rules and sanctions would set out age limits, STD awareness, a safe enviornment, and proper payments. If formally organized, it could possibly bring down the crime rate and make communities safer. Also, funds from taxation could be used towards school programs like safe sex and STD awareness. I view this situation sort of similar to those who are against the legalization of marijuana, they label it as morally wrong because that is a normal tendancy. They don't even give it a chance. Perhaps people should be more open minded and hear both sides of a situation before placing judgement. Im out like a fat kid in dodgeball......

1 comment:

Ms. Brown said...

You do seem to be "out" as far as the rest of the class is concerned, since your opinion there is in the minority. There are a few very convincing arguments here, however, particularly the one about sex not being illegal. Well done!